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941-1 Shima, Ikeda, Miyoshi
Tokushima Pref., 778-0005 Japan
Phone: +81(0)883.72.7085
Fax: +81(0)883.72.7085
E-mail: This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it

- Welcome to -

A Company Based in Japan, with a very strict quality control that certainly assures excellence on our products.
With a rapidly increasing distribution on the international market. We pioneered the application an advance technology of breaking down molecules to miniscule units of very specialized ingredients on the Record/CD market.

- Trade - is a growing company mainly focused on music products such as vinyls/records and Cds.
With the release of the new product, "Elune level 9 and level 36" for export worldwide which had gained high feedback as a very effective cleaner here in Japan by the Top Seller Audio Shops in Tokyo and has gathered 100 percent positive feedback on consumers in Japan.

- Pioneering -

The First brand to be both effective in cleaning Vinyls and CDs at the same time as well as DVDs and the First Brand that has applied the newest advancement in cleaning.
The First brand to have multiple effects on audio products not only rendering the maximum effect in cleaning but also giving the listener,
"the never before experienced satisfaction on sound improvement and great maintenance"

Maximum your sales in this growing category and we are glad to assist you.

We are open for bulk orders to distributors/suppliers/wholesalers/shops worldwide .

Please contact us.

Developed & Manufactured by product of Japan